
Samantha, Mitchell and Dad x 22nd July 2020

Well, Mum, it's been 5 years now since you left us, and we miss you now as much as ever. Even more upsetting this year is that Dad passed away from pneumonia on the 10th July in Jimmy's - it was unexpected but thankfully didn't last long, and I was with him throughout and was there to hold his hand at the end. The nursing team were brilliant, and took really good care of him to make sure he was comfortable. I showed him a photo of you and him which he appreciated, and he asked that I continue to donate on his behalf to this fund. Life hasn't been the same without you, but Dad was particularly lost and it's comforting to know that you are finally back together, where you belong. May you both rest in peace for all of eternity. We love you both so much and you will forever be in our thoughts and hearts. Love always, Sam & Mitchell. X

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